Military Job Openings in the National Guard
94F Special Electronic Devices Repair
91F Small Arms/Artillery Repair
31BMilitary Police
11B Infantryman
11C Indirect Fire Infantryman
92L Petroleum Laboratory Specials
12Y Geospatial Engineer
15Q Air Traffic Control Operator
35F Intelligence Analyst
56M Chaplain Assistant
91C Utilities Equipment Repairer
35N Signals Intelligence Analyst
15 W UAV Operator
92G Food Service Specialist
25Q Multi-Channel Transmission System Operator
13F Fire Support Specialist
91B Light-Wheel Vehicle Mechanic
91E Machinist
92Y Unit Suppy Specialist
27D Paralegal Specialist
74D Chemical Operations Specialist
94D Air Traffice Control Equipment Repairer
12W Carpentry and Masonry Specialist
19D Cavalry Scout
91D Power-Generation Equipment Repairer
68K Medical Laboratory Specialist
25C Radio Operator/Maintainer
94E Radio and Communications Security Repairer
14G Air Defense Battle Management System Operator
92F Petroleum Supply Specialist
92A Automated Logistical Specilaist
92L Construction Vehicle Repairer
91J Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer
88M Truck Driver
68W Health Care Specialist
42R Army Bandperson
42A Human Resources Specialist
25U Signal Support Systems Specialist
25S Satellite Communication Systems Operator
25N Nodal Network System Operator
25L Cable Systems Installer
25B Information Technology Specialis
15V Observation/Scout Helicopter Repairer
15U CH-47 Helicopter Repairer
15P Aviation Operations Specialist
15H Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
15F Aircraft Electrician
15D Aircraft Powertrain Repairer
15E Unmanned Aircraft Systems Repairer
12R Interior Electrician
12N Horizontal Construction Engineers
12K Plumber
12B Combat Engineer - Construction and Engineering Specialist
Our programs train you for the career of your dreams and give
you concrete skills for your résumé. When employers see the
National Guard on your résumé, they'll know they can count on

Some of the Maryland National Guard 's Military Occupational Specialties (MOS)
Military Police protect lives and property on Army bases by enforcing military laws and regulations, as well as controlling traffic, preventing crime and responding to emergencies. Military Police are primarily responsible for providing support to the battlefield by conducting area security, intelligence operations, internment and resettlement, maneuver and mobility support, and law and order operations.
Locations: Parkville, WestminsterMd
The Infantry is the main land combat force of the military. In peacetime, the infantry's role is to stay ready to defend our country. In combat, the role of the infantry is to capture or destroy enemy ground forces and repel enemy attacks. Infantrymen operate weapons and equipment to engage and destroy enemy ground forces. |
Aviation *Aircraft Mechanics *Medical Personnel *Air Traffic Controllers *Supply technicians *Intelligence Analysts *Electronic Technicians *Pilots *Crew Chiefs * Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator
As a Blackhawk or Chinook Helicopter Mechanic you will learn to install, remove and repair various aircraft systems including rotors, transmissions, gearboxes, engines and mechanical flightcontrols. Having this training could assist you in obtaining a civilian job at an Airplane hanger or aviation shop inspecting,maintaining or repairing civilian aircrafts |
Special Forces Teams are among the most specialized combat forces in the Army. Special Forces Soldiers conduct offensive raids, demolitions, intelligence and search and rescue. Special Forces Teams consist of Communications, Engineer, Medical and Weapons Sergeants all working as one to complete the mission by land, air or sea. |
Intelligence Analysts are an integral part of providing Army personnel with information about enemy forces and potential battle areas. As and intelligence analyst you will use aerial photos, electronic monitoring and human observation in order to gather and study information required to design defense plans and tactics. |
Motor Transport Operators are responsible for operating vehicles such as water/fuel tank trucks, semi-tractor trailers, heavy troop transports and passenger buses. As a motor transport operator you will make the difference by bring the troops and supplies to the fight. |
Light-Wheel Vehicle Mechanics handle the maintenance and repair of vehicles such as jeeps, cars and trucks. As an Army that is always on the move forward, the light-wheel vehicle mechanics keep the Army rolling to ensure the mission is complete. |
Health Care Specialists are capable of responding to soldiers who are injured or wounded by providing emergency medical treatment, limited primary case and health protection and evacuation from point of injury or illness. When a soldier is in need of medical aid, the health care specialist takes charge to ensure the soldier receives the proper treatment. |
Combat Engineers posses a combination of combat abilities and building skills necessary in completing the mission in rough terrain. The combat engineer conducts task such as building roads, constructing bridges or helping friendly forces move across foreign land allowing our Army to reach the fight no matter where it is. |