FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER THE MARYLAND ARMY NATIONAL GUARD GIVES YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE TWO WAYS HOMETOWN CONNECTION: * Enlist with your local National Guard recruiter * Attend monthly drills with your local National Guard unit you complete training MILITARY ADVENTURE: * Serve 30, 36 or 48 months on active duty * Job skill training * Education opportunities * Live on military bases across the US and worldwide CITIZEN SOLDIER * Return to your hometown Guard unit and pursue life as a Citizen-Soldier: Attend college full-time * Serve one weekend per month and two weeks annual training * Keep the Guard benefits
DISCIPLINED IN THE GUARD, OUTSTANDING IN THE CLASSROOM Teachers: if you are luck enough to already have Maryland Army National Guard Soldiers in your class, please take a moment to acknowledge them, and to recognize their service and their commitment. Encourage your other students to consider looking into the values and benefits the Army National Guard has to offer. The National Guard offers several free programs that may be of interest to your students. These include the YOU CAN School Program: a comprehensive set of 30 award-winning presentations covering such topics as " Life Betterment" and "Disaster Preparedness"; : Career Direction: an interest inventory designed to help students with career selections, education planning, and job-search strategies; and the Student ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery): the required military entrance exam, which can be administered to interested students at your school by a certified DOD proctor.
YOUR CHILD TO SUCCESS Your mind may be filled with questions and and you may feel overwhelmed with a flood of emotions. Rest assured, your child has chosen wisely. No other organization offers the benefits, skills and opportunities available in the National Guard. Know that your son or daughter has taken an important step towards securing a bright and successful future. In the Maryland Army National Guard. your child can become a mature and more responsible adult.
AN INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE wondering " what's next" Whether you are going to college, pursuing a new job skill, settling down with your family, or kicking your life into a higher gear, the National Guard can help! We will work with you to make your future plans a reality. Go ahead! Join our team and put the valuable skills and knowledge you already posses from your Prior Service time to good use in the Maryland Army National Guard.
CONTINUE TO SERVE WITH PRIDE of all, to yourself. The time you have invested in your Prior Service obligations demonstrates your willingness to selflessly serve your nation. Now, join the Maryland Army National Guard and continue to reap the rewards from your active duty service: rewards that will benefit you and your family for years to come.
REACH YOUR COLLEGE GOALS IN THE MARYLAND ARMY NATIONAL GUARD goals while serving in the Maryland Army National Guard. This enlistment option provides high school graduates and graduating seniors with no prior military service the opportunity to complete up to two years of full-time schooling, uninterrupted by deployment, while serving in the Army National Guard.