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Get the Life Skills You Need
To succeed in today's competitive world, you need more than desire and brains. You need a résumé. Real-world experience. Nothing gives you that faster than military service.

Our programs train you for the career of your dreams and give you concrete skills for your résumé. When employers see the National Guard on your résumé, they'll know they can count on you.

Great Educational Benefits makes the Maryland National Guard a great deal

State Tuition Assistance Program

1. State Tuition Waiver (STW)
Most discounts range from 25% to 50% per semester.

2. State Tuition Assistance Reimbursement (STAR)
Is available if your Tuition and Fees are not 100% covered by STW and FTA.

Federal Benefit Program

1. Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA )Is a benefit that may be combined with the State Tuition Assistance (STA) programs and pays up to $4,500 per school year.

2. Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB-SR)
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will provide education benefits under this program.

Money for College

This chart describes the education benefits of being a member of the Maryland Army National Guard and how it can apply to assist you pay for college. This chart is also based off of the cost of Tuition through University of Maryland College Park (UMCP).

Note: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. For the latest information, please contact your local recruiter.





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